Ruben is a professional freesurfer from Evans Head NSW, his talent has allowed him to travel the world for years competing on the ASP world tour and is highly regarded as one of the best longboarders in the world.
His talent and passion in the ocean also led him to take on a role with the Australian Lifeguard Service – which he quickly rose to be the head senior lifeguard for the Byron Bay region and soon after the Lifeguard Supervisor, managing 180klms of coastline and some 85 lifeguards.
Ruben is also the founder of the Australian Training Consultancy. Having worked in a number of high-level emergency service industries around the world, Ruben has created and implemented a modern way to teach and apply the foundation skill sets for Work Health and Safety (WHS/OHS). This is achieved by utilising the most contemporary methods and techniques used by emergency service professionals in a manner appropriate for ATC clients… in his words “Training the new way”.
Ruben is a family man and a loving father of two.